todas as fotos deste post são da autoria de joe mcnally
os americanos são pródigos em regras, os portugueses gostam mais do improviso ...
joe mcnally é um dos fotógrafos americanos contemporâneos mais reconhecido, uma das "100 most important people in photography" (American Photo), tem fotografias suas como capa de prestigiadas revistas bem como vários trabalhos para a National Geographic, é autor de vários livros um dos quais é o "Guia de Fotografia Digital" publicado pela LIFE, entidade que recentementemente publicou no seu site uma receita de mcnally com dicas de 13 erros comuns a evitar quando se fotografa :
1-Não tire apenas uma foto. Tire muitas! If it was exciting enough for you to put your camera to your eye to shoot a couple of photos, then it's probably exciting enough to shoot 20, or even 200. Remember: When you're shooting digital, pixels are free.
2-Quando fotografar pessoas, relacione-se com elas. Don't hide behind the camera. Get out from that cubbyhole behind the lens where it's warm and dark and you feel hidden, and get out there in that vulnerable zone in front of the lens. Share and participate in the adventure with your subjects. Let them know they are in good hands, and this is important to you, and because you're going to work really hard to produce a good picture, it will become important to them, too. Remember, if you're not confident -- if you're visibly uncomfortable -- they will be too. Above: 1996 Olympian U.S. Water Polo team: Rick McNair, Alex Rousseau, Chris Humbert, and Chris Duplanty, photographed by Joe McNally.
3-Não parta do princípio que as melhores imagens são feitas no Bali ou na Antártida. There are good pictures right under your nose. Shoot what and who you love. And shoot what's easily accessible. If you constantly think you have to climb mountains or jump out of airplanes to get good pictures, it will become an impossible chore to pick up your camera.
4-Lembre-se, a câmera é aenas uma máquina. Your camera does not have feelings. It is not a sensitive creature that needs to be coddled. Don't treat it like a fragile bauble. Treat it like the machine and tool it is.
5-Tente não fazer fotos ao ar livre com sol desagradavelmente forte. The sun is a big dog, and you don't want to fight with the big dog.
6-Não tire todas as fotografias ao nível dos olhos. Get high. Get low. Climb on top of something. Lie down. Get a different perspective.
7-Se quer que as suas fotos sejam melhores… coloque-se em frente de coisas mais interessantes.
8-Faça bem, na câmera. Don't say "I'll fix that later." Photoshop is not a hospital for terminally wounded pictures. Work hard in the field to master the camera, the lens, and the techniques of shooting. Unless you enjoy feeling like a mushroom, sitting for hours on end in your dark basement in front of a glowing screen trying to somehow meld the exposure from frame 101, the composition from frame 209, and the expression from frame 333 of your latest outing -- work hard to get it right when you shoot the shot.
9-Mexa-se! Faça zoom com os seus pés. Don't stand there with all the energy and dynamism of a house plant. Move! The world moves, constantly. You must move with it. Zoom lenses are nice, but they can never replace your legs.
10-Ande com uma câmera! As famed photographer Jay Maisel says, it's hard to take pictures without one.
11-Não use as configurações de ontem. Remember: "Zero out" your camera every day before you begin shooting with it. You know, like when you programmed ISO 32,000 into the camera because you were shooting in a coal mine? Or when you set the exposure for 90 seconds because you were shooting outdoors at midnight? Each day, reprogram to a normal baseline, and go from there.
12-Não se esqueça de tirar a tampa da lente. You laugh now -- but you'd be amazed how often photographers, of all stripes, make this most basic of all mistakes.
13-Finalmente: divirta-se! Taking pictures is not brain surgery. Enjoy yourself out there.
1 comentário:
Boas dicas! As minhas preferidas?
13 - obviamente...o prazer. Mesmo que com a vida em perigo (que odigam os grandes fotojornalistas)
2- 'relacionar' quanto a mim num sentido bastante amplo. há quem consiga num relance criar empatia ou comunicar, ou o que seja mais ou menos objectivo-subjectivo. Neste Modus existem alguns exemplos do que resulta desse relacionamento-encantamento.
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